[IC 3] Won-Du Chang, Jungpil Shin, "Missing Data Handling in Multi-Layer Perceptron", WSEAS Conference on Computers, pp.631-636, Athens , Greece, July 2006. Revised and Extended versions of this paper is published in an international Journal [IJ 3]. [pdf]
Abstract: Multi layer perceptron with back propagation algorithm is popular and more used than other neural network types in various fields of investigation as a non-linear predictor. Though MLP can solve complex and non-linear problems, it cannot use missing data for training directly. We propose a training algorithm with incomplete pattern data using conventional MLP network. Focusing on the fact that BP algorithm uses the amount of the error and its sign to modify the weights, we redefined the activation function using the minimum error for incomplete pattern and modified stopping criterion is also presented. The estimation results using proposed algorithm are shown compared to the result of MLP replacing. Proposed algorithm could learn from incomplete patterns successfully and could avoid biased learning from misestimating of missing values.
Abstract: Multi layer perceptron with back propagation algorithm is popular and more used than other neural network types in various fields of investigation as a non-linear predictor. Though MLP can solve complex and non-linear problems, it cannot use missing data for training directly. We propose a training algorithm with incomplete pattern data using conventional MLP network. Focusing on the fact that BP algorithm uses the amount of the error and its sign to modify the weights, we redefined the activation function using the minimum error for incomplete pattern and modified stopping criterion is also presented. The estimation results using proposed algorithm are shown compared to the result of MLP replacing. Proposed algorithm could learn from incomplete patterns successfully and could avoid biased learning from misestimating of missing values.