[IJ 1] Won-Du Chang, Jungpil Shin, "Construction of Panoramic and Perspective Image using Spherical Projection from Catadioptric Image", GESTS International Transaction, vol.25, no.1, pp.185-195, 2005. Translated and Updated from "A Spherical Projection Algorithm for Correcting Distortion of Omnidirectional Image Using Catadioptric Camera (2003)" [pdf]
Abstract: Environment awareness of 360 degree is widely used for virtual reality. Catadioptric camera is one of environment awareness system which can picture 360°degree image in a single shot. General solution generating panoramic image is using cylindrical projection method, however, it has limitation of viewing angle and upper and lower part of source images cannot be seen correctly with panoramic image. This paper proposes a panoramic image construction technique with less distortion using spherical projection algorithm. Moreover, fast perspective image generation method using spherical projection technique is shown.
Abstract: Environment awareness of 360 degree is widely used for virtual reality. Catadioptric camera is one of environment awareness system which can picture 360°degree image in a single shot. General solution generating panoramic image is using cylindrical projection method, however, it has limitation of viewing angle and upper and lower part of source images cannot be seen correctly with panoramic image. This paper proposes a panoramic image construction technique with less distortion using spherical projection algorithm. Moreover, fast perspective image generation method using spherical projection technique is shown.